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Early Life And Career

Suzanne von Borsody - Who is she?

Early Life and Career

Suzanne von Borsody was born on September 23, 1957, in Munich, Bavaria, West Germany. She is a German actress who gained recognition for her roles in films, television, and theater.

Personal Life

Suzanne von Borsody has been married to actor Hans-Michael Rehberg since 1989. The couple has two children together. They reside in Berlin, Germany.

Professional Achievements

Von Borsody has had a successful career in the entertainment industry. She has won numerous awards for her work, including the German Film Award for Best Actress in 1998 and the Bavarian Film Award for Best Actress in 2009. Her notable works include "The NeverEnding Story" (1984), "Run Lola Run" (1998), and "The Baader Meinhof Complex" (2008).

Additional Facts

* Suzanne von Borsody is known for her versatility and has played a wide range of characters. * She is also an accomplished voice actress and has dubbed for films such as "Shrek 2" and "Finding Nemo." * In 2018, she was inducted into the Bavarian Film Walk of Fame.


Suzanne von Borsody is a highly respected and accomplished actress in Germany. Her diverse and award-winning career has left a lasting impression on the entertainment industry, showcasing her talent and versatility as an artist.
