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2023 Season World Championshipmain Event

2023 Season World ChampionshipMain Event

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Champion Statistics - 79 Total Games Played with 87 Champions Contested

The 2023 World Championship Main Event has concluded, and with it comes a wealth of data and statistics. One of the most interesting aspects to look at is the champions that were played, and how they performed.

In total, 87 different champions were contested over the course of 79 games. This is a significant increase from the 75 champions that were played in the 2022 World Championship Main Event.

One of the most notable trends from this year's tournament is the rise of tank champions. In previous years, tank champions were often seen as niche picks, but in 2023 they were a staple in many team compositions.

Another interesting trend is the decrease in the number of games that were decided by a single teamfight. In 2022, over 60% of games were decided by a single teamfight. In 2023, that number dropped to just over 40%.

This suggests that teams are becoming more strategic in their approach to the game, and are less likely to rely on a single teamfight to win.
